Mishra,Anil Dutta

Mahatma Gandhi on health - New Delhi Concept Publishing 2016 - xii,129p.

Includes Index

Gandhi was in search of Truth and experimentation on his own life was unique, fundamental and unparallel in human history. During his stay in England and South Africa he have acquired considerable experience, and have been able to form certain ideas on food and diseases to be cured. These ideas are pearl of wisdom and may be of some use to the readers even in contemporary times. Gandhi gave much importance to health and hygiene. Good health, once it is lost, costs much time and effort to regain. It is therefore essential for thoughtful people to attach the utmost importance to the keeping up of health. We shall give importance to the keeping up of health and also how health, which may be lost from time to time, can be regained. It is the duty of everyone to understand the simple law of nature to keep oneself physically healthy. Gandhi’s writings on General Knowledge about Health are reproduced here without any distortions and alterations so that the readers drew their own conclusions. It is a must book for those who want to understand simple law of nature and keep themselves healthy and wise.


Gandhi, Mahatma--Health

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