Dubuc, Alain

Is this who we are ? : 14 questions about Quebec - Canada Ronsdale Press 2016 - 252p

This translation into English of Alain Dubuc's best-seller, Portrait de Famille, questions our national identity if there is one, and how it may be more in flux than ever before. The Rest of Canada sees Quebec in a number of ways, while the Quebecois see themselves in still others, in a set of supposedly homemade myths. Dubuc asks and analyzes to what extent these myths are true, false or a mix of both. How does Quebec really stack up culturally, economically and educationally? Often the answers come as a complete surprise and lead us in unexpected directions. Many of the hard facts and statistics gathered are eye-opening for us all. Certainly, La Presse's editorial writer Alain Dubuc knows how to puncture a balloon with the best of them, a much-needed skill these days.


Social conditions--Québec (Province)--21st century--Civilization

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