Kapoor, Priyanka

Status of women in urban Meerut : an empowerment perspective / Priyanka Kapoor - New Delhi : ICSSR, 2014 - 290p. ;

Include bibliographical references.

This study aims to examine the dimensions of empowerment of women and explore their extent and interrelationships. It also identifies the factors that facilitate women's empowerment, assesses the consequences of empowerment in terms of gender equality, and critically assesses the effectiveness of the National Policy for the Empowerment of Women (2001) in addressing the challenges faced by women.

The study is conducted in Meerut, a fast-growing metro city in Uttar Pradesh, and the findings are based on responses from 500 women collected through a pre-tested interview schedule in 2013-14. The study highlights the importance of education, participation in the workforce, political representation, access to healthcare, and property rights in women's empowerment. It also emphasizes the need to address social attitudes and provide access to technology to enhance women's empowerment. Overall, the study provides valuable insights into the empowerment of women in urban Meerut and suggests ways to make policies more effective in addressing the challenges faced by women.


Women--females--Urban women
Education and Women's Empowerment in Urban Meerut--Political Representation and Empowerment of Women in Urban Meerut--Western Uttar Pradesh--Women's Participation in the Workforce in Urban Meerut
Access to Healthcare and Women's Empowerment in Urban Meerut--Women's Property Rights and Empowerment in Urban Meerut--Meerut--Violence Against Women and Empowerment in Urban Meerut
Social Attitudes and Women's Empowerment in Urban Meerut--Access to Technology and Women's Empowerment in Urban Meerut
