Singh, Rajeev Kumar

A comparative study of educational awareness among Hindu and Muslim Girls in Varanasi / Rajeev Kumar Singh - New Delhi : ICSSR, - vi, 126p ;

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According to this study, India is a diverse country with many religious and linguistic groups, with religion and language being recognized as the two main criteria for identifying minority groups in India. Muslims constitute the largest religious minority in India, with a population of over 138 million according to the 2001 census. However, Muslim concentration is not uniform, and they are concentrated in a few pockets/ localities of various districts. The literacy rate among the Muslim community is 59%, with a wide disparity between male and female literacy rates. The present research assumes that gender is not a homogeneous class but a fragmented one, divided on the basis of religion, caste, ethnicity, etc. Socio-cultural factors play an important role in determining the educational awareness of women in India, with religion being an important determinant. The hypothesis for the present research is that the Muslim community is educationally backward with a significant gender disparity due to socio-cultural and educational aspects. It is important to note that while the Muslim community may face educational and gender disparities, these issues are not unique to this religious group alone. Other religious and cultural groups in India also face similar challenges.


Hindu Girl
Muslim Girl--Sociology--Varanasi - India--Women's Education--Education--Women's Education
