Koundal, Suneeta

Incredible Women of India's Freedom Struggle/ by Suneeta Koundal - New Delhi: Pentagon Press, 2023 - xvi,216p. illustrations 23cm

included bibliography references (page.no.204-216) and index

75 Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav initiative is taken by the Government of India to celebrate 75 glorious years of India's independence. This initiative continues the vision of making today's generation aware of freedom fighters' life, struggles, and sacrifices, the price they had to pay for India's independence.

Incredible Women of India's Freedom Struggle rediscovered the little-known contributions of female freedom fighters who fought fiercely against British imperialism, whose bravery, sacrifice, and resolve continue to inspire and instil pride in Indians. It narrates the history of ardent revolutionaries who did not fear imprisonment or death on the battlefield.

Despite this, female freedom fighters received less recognition and are less celebrated in the pages of history, therefore, this work is a tribute to the women freedom fighters who kindled the flame of patriotism and marched shoulder to shoulder with men as part of the freedom struggle movement. Incredible Women of India's Freedom Struggle captures captivating and touching stories of remarkable women who deserve equal respect and recognition.

The objective of this book is to empower our younger generations to change their world for the better. They are inspirations for everyone to overcome hardships. Each title of the story and the learning at the end will definitely build self-confidence and motivation to live a life of values, instincts, and out-of-the-box thinking and to remember that we have been born for a cause. It is a must-read book for every Indian.


Women political activists
Women revolutionaries
Women heroes--Feminism--History--Independence movement,--Biography.--India

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