British education index - London Library Association 1963 - 115p.

Contents: Vol.2.December 1958 to December 1961/ compiled by Librarians of Institutes of Education(115p.) - v.3.January 1962 to December 1963/compiled by Librarians of Institutes of Education(145p.)(1964) - v.4.January 1964 to December 1965/compiled by Librarians of Institutes and Schools of Education(165p.)(1966) - v.5.January 1966 to December 1967/compiled by Librarians of Institutes and Schools of Education and edited by J.S. Andrews(201p.)(1968) - v.7.January 1970 to December 1971/ edited by J.R.V. Johnston(253p.)(1972)(0 900220 38 4)


Education - Periodicals - Indexes

RR 016.37 BRI-