Universal reference system: Annual supplement edited by:Bergholt, Joan Schmitz - New York Plenum Press - 3v. - Political science, government and public policy series .

an annual supplement to the Universal Reference Systems' Political Science series, employing a single index and catalog to carry materials pertaining to the ten basic volumes in the series Contents: Vol.1.Catalog:index:aaron to dextler(1972)(1973)(0-306-69022-5) - v.1.Catalogs:index:aba to deptt/hew(xxxiii, 832p.)(1973)(1974)(0-306-69023-3) - v.1.Catalog:index:ability to constitution(xii,709-1438p.)(ABA to CONSTITUN)(0-306-69027-6)(1977) - V.1.(0-306-69026-8)(861-1750p.). Catalog index: Ability to DEPT/DEFEN - v2(0-306-69026-8)(861-1750p.) - v.2.(0-306-69027-6)(1977)(709-1438p.) - v.3.(0-306-69028-4)(753-1514p.) Author Index - v.3.(0-306-69026-8)(1751-2605p.) v2 (1969)(xxii,978p) - v2(0-306-69028-4) (1978) (xxx,752p) -v2 (0-306-69025-x) (1975) (xxxii, 860) -v2(1975) (0-306-69025-x) (1750p) -v3 (1973) (0-306-69023-3) (2512p)

Political science - Indexes

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