Advance Reformed Multilateralism in the Changing World/ edited by:Mahawar Nutan KapoorSaraswat Deepika - Chennai, India: Macmillan Education India Private Limited, 2022 - vii, 284p.

Over the last decade, the gradual but steady rise of multilateralism since the end of World War II has been seriously called into question by the rising trend of geopolitical rivalries among major powers and their growing preference for unilateralism. The geopolitical realities that underpinned the post-war multilateral system have also changed markedly with the rise of multiplicity of new actors, both state and non-state. This crisis of multilateralism comes at a time when in addition to traditional challenges to international peace and security, a variety of new challenges related to global public health, climate changes, transnational terrorism, cyber security and uncertainty related to the future of economic globalization require more rather than less multilateral cooperation.



Climatology--Climatic changes--India
International relations--International economic relations--India--International affairs

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