UNIVERSITY NEWS BY Association of Indian Universities - New Delhi Association of Indian Universities - volumes 27cm. - Weekly

University News – A Weekly Journal of Higher Education published by the Association of Indian Universities is the premier forum for academics, leaders, teachers, policy makers, managers, administrators and stakeholders interested in different facets of higher education, national and international. Commenced in 1929, it is now an official organ of the Association. It has carved a niche for itself as one among the very few journals in regularity of appearance and richness of contents. It appears with clockwise regularity on every Monday and reaches an extensive audience. It is indeed an indispensable reading for all those connected with higher education. The Journal is referred internationally for the happenings in Indian higher education. It contains a mammoth of information about world higher education in general and Indian higher education in particular.


--Education--India--Universities and colleges--Periodicals

--Higher education--University administration--Academic achievement