Sangwan, Ramesh Kumar

Health, Human Rights and Ethics : A Sociological Study in Hospital Setting - Jaipur Rawat Publications 2017 - xii, 206p

The survival and evolution of the human race is linked with the health of individuals and the population at large. All over the world, the concepts of the right to health and medical ethics have recently emerged from the ever-growing consciousness about the dignity of human life. The right to health and health care are the new aspirations of the people. Health rights are exercised by people who use health services, and medical ethics are reflected in the professional performance of doctors while delivering health services. Since patients are becoming increasingly aware of their health rights, doctors have to be conversant with basic ethical issues involved in medical practice. This book offers the most incisive, compelling analysis of the rights and ethics of health care in different hospital settings. It analyzes the concepts of rights and ethics in both private and government hospital settings. Health, Human Rights and Ethics will be of interest to anthropologists, sociologists, historians, legal experts, public and private health practitioners, and policy makers.


Social--Rights Human
Medical Policy--Eco System Health

362.10954558 / SAN-H