Pandit, Kashinath

Ten Studies in Kashmir : History and Politics - New Delhi Academic Foundation 2019 - 337p.

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This volume contains ten studies on various aspects of the current history and politics of the State of Jammu and Kashmir, We have copious literature on the subject and various opinions have been advocated by the historians in the country and outside, The present volume is an addition to the printed fund on Kashmir issue but with some notable significance. Firstly, it has not taken the history in a linear pattern but has selected ten themes for research and discussion. Obviously, there is an interesting sprinkling of information that has remained unnoticed by earlier scholars. The genesis of Kashmir issue as discussed in the relevant chapter speaks of deep insight into the little disclosed and less debated aspects of Kashmir narrative. The author has been a personal witness to many of the events besides having come into contact with assorted groups of Kashmirian civil society which lends credibility to his statements. Hopefully, researchers and Kashmir experts will find a good deal of amusing information which otherwise they would have missed, for the time being, There is nothing like the last word in the field of research in historical events but digging out more information and more evidence has its own value which cannot be underestimated.


Historiography--Kashmir, India--Kashmir Narratives--Internal Issues--Security

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