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1. Formulation, implementation, and evaluation of social policy in Sweden : The case of Unemployed Care Programme

by Arputharaj, W. James | Pandey, G.

Publisher: Tata Institute of Social Sciences 1992Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TA.0239] (1).

2. Relations between generalists and specialists in development administration at district level

by Pandey, G | Pandya, H.J.

Edition: rPublisher: South Gujarat Unive 1976Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TP.0179] (1).

3. Working of Integrated Rural Development Programme

by Christopher, A.J | Pandey, G.

Publisher: Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Bombay 1991Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TC.0122] (1).

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