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1. Aspects of rural life in Bihar: an economic study (1793-1833)

by Singh, Upendra Narayan | Singh, S.B.

Publisher: Magadh University 1971Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TS.0216 TS.0216] (1).

2. Deposits and corporate finance in India : A study of selected non-banking companies

by Masih, Prakash | Singh, S.B.

Publisher: University of Lucknow 1984Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TM.0298 TM.0298] (1).

3. Economics of tobacco production in middle Gujarat 1980-81

by Singh, S.B | Patel, G.J | Gujarat Agricultural University, Anand.

Publisher: Gujarat State Tobacco Market Committee, Anand 1981Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: RS.0248] (1).

4. Study of Diagnostic efficacy of H.I.T. (Holtzman Inkblot Technique) as compared to Rorschach Test in psychiatric illnesses

by Dutt, Krishna | Singh, S.B.

Publisher: University of Kanpur 1987Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TD.0012] (1).

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