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1. Academic adjustment in relation to scholastic achievement of secondary school pupils : A longitudinal study

by Ramana Reddy, I.V | Rao, S. Narayana.

Publisher: Sri Venkateswara University 1974Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TR.0187] (2).

2. Adolescent deviancy at the 10+2 stage as an interacting of functions some selected personal, familial and instituti-onal variables

by Gupta, Arun K | Model Institute of Education & Research, Jammu.

Publisher: ICSSR, New Delhi 1991Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: RG.0131] (1).

3. Aspirations of adolescents as related to socio-economic status intelligence and sex

by Bedi, Harjit Singh | Mathur, S.S.

Publisher: Panjab University 1980Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TB.0043] (1).

4. Classroom learning behaviour of pupils of different socio-economic strata and their achievement in science

by Yadav, Mahabir | Jangira, N.K | Gupta, A.K.

Publisher: Meerut University 1984Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TY.0022] (1).

5. Comparative study of the socially disadvantaged and the socially non-disadvantaged pupils with regard to scholastic achievement and academic adjustment

by Ushasri, S | Rao, S. Narayana.

Publisher: Sri Venkateswara University 1978Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TU.0021] (1).

6. Construction and standardization of silent reading comprehension test in English for S.S.C. pupils of Gujarat state

by Patel, Bhailalbhai V | Trivedi, R.S.

Publisher: Sardar Patel University 1970Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TP.0221] (1).

7. Development of a curriculum of family life education for higher secondary students and a study of its effectiveness

by Manjula, M | Shelat, Neela.

Publisher: M.S. University of Baroda 1985Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TM.0016] (1).

8. Dynamics of change : a socio-economic perspective of students at the entry point of M.B.B.S. education

by Dandekar, Vandana S.

Publisher: New Delhi Indian Council of Social Science Research 2008Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: RD.0212] (1).

9. Educational and vocational aspirations of students belonging to different ocio-economic locale of Jammu division

by Daljit Kaur | Bhan, Kiran Sumbali.

Publisher: University of Jammu 1990Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TD.0185] (1).

10. Environmental awareness and attitude towards environmental education in relation to socio-economic status of students and teachers of 10+2 schools of Arunachal Pradesh

by Kapoor, Khem Chand | Arunachal University.

Publisher: Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi 2000Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: RK.0192] (2).

11. Factor analysis cum factorial study of socio psychological variables related to scholastic ahievement of higher secondary school going pupils

by Pal, Roma | Gupta, R.P.

Publisher: Agra University 1983Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TP.0224] (1).

12. Factor infuencing the streaming of students with reference to their interesta learning style, and certain psycho-social pressures

by Mathur, M.C | Sharma, P.C.

Publisher: Meerut University 1985Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TM.024;] (1).

13. Factorial study of verbal and non-verbal creativity, intelligence and socio-economic status

by Gupta, Arun K | Model Institute of Education and Research, Jammu.

Publisher: ICSSR, New Delhi 1980Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: RG.0014] (1).

14. Factors contributing to academic under achievement

by Jain, Chowdhary Vidyut Prabha | Dani, S.K.

Publisher: Nagpur University 1975Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TJ.0111] (1).

15. Factors influencing the choice of courses at higher secondary level

by Nageswara Rao, K | Yadav, M.S.

Publisher: M.S. University of Baroda 1983Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TN.0098] (1).

16. Inquiry into reading interests of the pupils of standards VIII to X in relation to intelligence, S.E.S. (Socio-economic Status) and academic achievement

by Goswami, Renu | Shah, M.M.

Publisher: M.S. University of Baroda 1981Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TG.0211] (1).

17. Intelligence, interest, adjustment and family status as predictors of educational attainment of high school students

by Srivastava, Niti | Joshi, R.K.

Publisher: University of Gorakhpur 1981Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TS.0531] (1).

18. Investigation into the interest of the higher secondary school going pupils in the context of some psycho-socio variable

by Joshi, R.R | Parikh, J.C.

Publisher: Sardar Patel University 1984Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TJ.0127] (1).

19. Investigation into the relationship between achievement motivation, intelligence (general mental efficiency), introversion-extroversion, achievement in mathematics, and a comparison thereof between Haryana and Delhi students belonging to various socio-cultural strata

by Rajendra Singh | Joshi, Devendra.

Publisher: Jamila Millia Islamia 1985Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TR.0190] (1).

20. Investigation into the relationship of reading ability with general mental ability, socio-cultural status and school achievement

by Srivastava, R.P | Sengupta, B | Joshi, D.

Publisher: Jamia Millia Islamia 1984Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TS.0546] (1).

21. Investigation of the moral judgements of junior college students and their relationship with the socio economic status, intelligence and personality adjustment

by Prahallada, N.N | Seetharamaiah, D.N.

Publisher: University of Mysore 1982Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TP.0195] (1).

22. Personality characteristics of sports participants in high school

by Samuel, Johnson J | Mathew, V. George.

Publisher: University of Kerala 1982Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TS.0558] (1).

23. Political interest of the students of Eastern U.P. in relation to socio-economic status and personality traits (at the graduate level)

by Singh, Suresh Kumar | Pandey, B.B.

Publisher: University of Gorakhpur 1986Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TS.0116] (1).

24. Problems and conditions of students in the Poona university area

by Karandikar, Suman Prabhakar | Naik, Chitra.

Publisher: University of Pune 1974Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TK.0187] (1).

25. Self concept, study habit and school attitude as correlates of socio-economic status and cultural setting in different divisioners and failures of high school students of Kanpur d

by Saxena, Surendra Kumar | Tiwari, Govind.

Publisher: Utkal University 1980Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TS.0492] (1).

26. Shahari evam gramin kshetra ke vidhyarathiyon ke samajik arthik star evam bhoudhik-star ka naytik mulyo par parne vale prabhav ka adhyayan

by Sharma, Rajender Kumar | Parikh, Mathuraswar.

Publisher: Rajasthan University 1996Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TS.0875] (1).

27. Sociological study of engineering education

by Indira, R | Parvathamma, C.

Publisher: University of Mysore 1982Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TI.0020] (1).

28. Study of achievement motivation and its relationship with some selected socio-cultural factors of girl students belonging to different religious groups

by Puri, Lovely | Miyan, Mohammad.

Publisher: Jamia Millia Islamia 1991Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TP.0339] (1).

29. Study of anxiety and achievement motivation in relation to academic achievement, sex and economic status

by Gupta, J.P | Jaiswal, S.R.

Publisher: Lucknow University 1979Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TG.0186] (1).

30. Study of creative thinking abilities of 8th class students in Kumaon division in relation to their intelligence and socio-economic status

by Pandey, Ramesh Chandra | ICSSR, New Delhi.

Publisher: 1990Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: RP.0192] (1).

31. study of creativity as related to rural urban background, sex, socio economic status, and formal education : With special reference to the high school students of Kumaon Division

by Pandey, Ramesh Chandra | Pandey, R.N.

Publisher: Kumaon University 1981Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TP.0196] (1).

32. Study of educational choice of arts and science college students of upper and lower socio-economic groups

by Singh, Shreekant | Singh, B.K.

Publisher: Magadh University 1986Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TS.0571] (1).

33. Study of family dynamics and school achievement as related to neurotic tendencies of high school students

by Raghavan, Radha | Jai Prakash.

Publisher: Dr. Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya 1986Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TR.0029] (1).

34. Study of hypothesis making and hypothesis testing abilities in science in relation to intelligence, creativity and socio-economic status

by Grewal, Avinash | Passi, B.K.

Publisher: M.S. University of Baroda 1982Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TG.0190] (1).

35. Study of need differences among urban high school boys and girls at different levels of general intelligence and socio-economic status

by Bansal, Jai Parkash | Koul, Lokesh.

Publisher: Kurukshetra University 1975Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TB.0042] (1).

36. Study of occupational aspirations as related to social background of students in higher education in a middle-sized city in Karnatakz

by Uplaonkar, Ambarao T | Gore, M.S.

Publisher: Tata Institute of Social Sciences 1981Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TU.0009] (1).

37. Study of relationship between socio-economic status and conservation of number and substance in Delhi school children

by Nilima Kumari | Sengupta, B.

Publisher: Jamia Millia Islamia 1985Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TN.0083] (1).

38. Study of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with school among adolescent boys in relation to their personality characteristics, intelligence, scholastic performance and socio-economic status

by Sharma, Meenakshi | Kakar, S.B.

Publisher: Punjab Uniersity 1980Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TS.0533] (1).

39. Study of self-concept in relation to adjustment, values, academic achievement, socio-economic status and sex of high school students of Delhi

by Saraswat, Raj Kumar | Gaur, J.S | Mathur, Purnima.

Publisher: Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi 1982Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TS.0098] (1).

40. Study of social maturity of higher secondary school students of Gujarat in the context of some psycho-socio correlates

by Diwan, Rasida M | Vora, I.A.

Publisher: Sardar Patel University 1992Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TD.0216] (1).

41. Study of socio-demographic and psychological variables of destitute home adolescent students

by Sudha | Romesh Chand.

Publisher: Himachal Pradesh University 1994Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TS.0830] (1).

42. Study of some selected motivational factors in relation to academic achievement and socio economic status among the collge students in the states of Haryana and Punjab

by Phutela, R | Desai, D.B.

Publisher: M.S. University of Baroda 1976Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TP.0199] (1).

43. Study of the causes of absenteeism among higher secondary and degree level students

by Dabral, Saraswati | Tandon, R.K.

Publisher: Rohilkhand University 1983Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TD.0156] (1).

44. Study of the effect of certain family factors on educational aspiration and academic achievement of secondary school students

by Rajput, Komal Singh | Sharma, R.R.

Publisher: Garhwal University 1989Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TR.0130] (1).

45. Study of the performance of children in Chittoor district on the adapted version of Wechsler Intelligence Scale : With special reference to their socio-economic background

by Reddy, B. Niranjan | Srinivasa Rao, R.

Publisher: Sri Venkateswara University 1982Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TR.0037] (1).

46. Study of the relation of social class, religion, family size and birth order to academic achievement of high school students

by Indra | Saxena, Saroj.

Publisher: Agra University 1991Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TI.0021] (1).

47. Study of vocational aspirations, as a function of aptitudes, and motivational patterns among the boys and girls studyingin 9th, 10th and 11th grades in Nagpur district

by Dabir, D | Pandit, K.L.

Publisher: Nagpur University 1986Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TD.0163] (1).

48. Vidarbha kshetra ke mahavidyaleen kshetro me adhunikikaran : Ek sarvekshan

by Toshniwal, Subhash R | Chitriv, U.G.

Publisher: Nagpur University Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TT.0097] (1).

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