Your search returned 41 results. Subscribe to this search

1. International dimensions of ethnic conflict: a case study of Kashmir and Northern Ireland

by Srivastava, Madhumit.

Publisher: New Delhi Bhavana Books 2001Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 305.800954 SRI-I] (3).

2. Ethnic conflict and civic life: Hindus and Muslims in India

by Varshney, Ashutosh.

Publisher: New Delhi Oxford University Press 2002Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 305.800954 VAR-;] (1).

3. Former Soviet Union's diverse peoples: a reference sourcebook

by Minahan, James.

Publisher: Santa Barbara ABC-CLIO 2004Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 305.800947 MIN-;] (1).

4. Contested cities in the modern west

by Hepburn, A.C.

Publisher: Hampshire Palgrave Macmillan 2004Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 305.8 HEP-; SL1] (1).

5. Coming out of violence: essays on ethnicity, conflict resolution and peace process in North-East India

by Hussain, Monirul.

Publisher: New Delhi Regency Publications 2005Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 305.8009541 COM-] (2).

6. Ethnic conflict and terrorism: the origins and dynamics of civil wars

by Soeters, Joseph L.

Publisher: London Routledge 2005Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 303.62089 SOE-E] (1).

7. Ethnic violence and the societal security dilemma

by Roe, Paul.

Publisher: London Routledge 2005Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 303.6 ROE-E] (1).

8. Tremors of violence: muslim survivors of ethnic strife in western India

by Robinson, Rowena.

Publisher: New Delhi Sage Publications 2005Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 303.6088 ROB-T] (1).

9. Votes and violence: electoral competition and communal riots in India

by Wilkinson, Steven I | Levi, Margaret.

Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2005Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 303.608900954 WIL-V] (1).

10. South Asia in world politics

by Kim, Samuel S | Hagerty, Devin T.

Publisher: Lanham Rowman & Littlefield Publishers 2005Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 320.954 SOU-] (1).

11. Buddhism, conflict and violence in modern Sri Lanka

by Prebish, Charles S | Deegalle, Mahinda | Keown, Damien.

Publisher: London Routledge 2006Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 294.3372095493 BUD-] (1).

12. Religion in world conflict

by Sandler, Shmuel | Fox, Jonathan.

Publisher: London Routledge 2006Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 201.727 REL-] (1).

13. Ethnic conflict: a global perspective

by Wolff, Stefan.

Publisher: Oxford Oxford University Press 2006Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 303.6089 WOL-E] (1).

14. Ethnic life-worlds in North-East India: an analysis

by Biswas, Prasenjit | Suklabaidya, Chandan.

Publisher: Los Angeles Sage Publications 2008Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 305.8009541 BIS-E] (1).

15. Politics of conflict: a survey

by Fouskas, Vassilis K.

Publisher: London Routledge 2007Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 327.16072 POL-] (1).

16. Cultural contestation in ethnic conflict

by Ross, Marc Howard.

Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2007Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 305.8 ROS-C] (1).

17. Problems of ethnicity in the North-East India

by Kumar, B.B.

Publisher: New Delhi Concept Publishing 2007Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 305.8009541 PRO-] (1).

18. Interrogating development: state, displacement and popular resistance in North East India

by Hussain, Monirul.

Publisher: New Delhi Sage Publications 2008Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 362.8709541 HUS-I] (1).

19. Women and political violence: female combatants in ethno-national conflict

by Alison, Miranda H | Gow, James | Kerr, Rachel.

Publisher: London Routledge 2009Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 355.0082 ALI-W] (1).

20. Armed militias of South Asia: fundamentalists, Maoists and separatists

by Leverdier, Roger | Elliott, Gregory | Gayer, Laurent.

Publisher: New Delhi Foundation Books 2009Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 303.620954 ARM-] (1).

21. Routledge handbook of ethnic conflict

by Wolff, Stefan | Cordell, Karl.

Publisher: London Routledge 2011Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 305.8 ROU-] (1).

22. Troubled periphery: crisis of India's North East

by Bhaumik, Subir.

Publisher: New Delhi Sage Publications 2009Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 306.09541 BHA-T] (1).

23. Surviving field research: working in violent and difficult situations

by Chandra Lekha Sriram...[et al.].

Publisher: New Delhi Routledge 2010Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 303.6072 SUR-] (1).

24. Ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka: the origin and evolution

by Singh, Surendra.

Publisher: New Delhi Sunrise Publications 2015Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 305.80095493 SIN-;] (1).

25. State, environment and violent conflict in Chittagong Hill tracks and Gaza strip

by Ranvijay.

Publisher: New Delhi Manak Publications 2013Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 303.6095492 RAN-S] (1).

26. Migration, Identity and Conflict : lived Experience of Northeasterners in Delhi

by Nongbri, Tiplut Shimreiwung, A.S | Shimreiwung, A.S.

Publisher: Jaipur Rawat Publications 2017Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 304.8 NON-M] (1).

27. Ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka and role of Indian peace keeping force (IPKF)

by Ghosh, P.A.

Publisher: New Delhi A.P.H. Publishing 1999Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 305.8 GHO-E] (1).

28. Ethnicity and polity in South Asia

by Phukon, Girin.

Publisher: New Delhi South Asian Publishers 2002Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 305.800954 ETH-] (1).

29. Kashmir crisis

by Chitkara, M.G.

Publisher: New Delhi APH publishing corporation 2003Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 954.6 CHI-K] (1).

30. IPKF in Sri Lanka

by Singh, Depinder.

Publisher: Noida Trishul Publications Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 355.4095493 SIN-I] (1).

31. i

by Tambiah, Stanley J.

Publisher: New Delhi Vistaar Publications 1996Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 305.80095 TAM-;] (1).

32. Social movements

by Oommen, T.K | Madan, T.N.

Publisher: New Delhi Oxford University Press 2010Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: RR 303.4840954 SOC-] (2).

33. Sri Lanka the ethnic conflict: myths, realities & perspectives

Publisher: New Delhi Navrang 1984Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 305.80095493 SRI;] (1).

34. Tajikistan-Russia relations : a balancesheet since independence

by Sethi, Jajneswar | Patnaik, Ajay K.

Publisher: Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 2006Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: TS.0970] (2).

35. Nationalism, development and ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka

by Venugopal, Rajesh.

Publisher: New Delhi Cambridge University Press 2018Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 338.95493 VEN-N] (1).

36. Keeping the Peace : Spatial Differences in Hindu-Muslim Violence in Gujarat in 2002

by Dhattiwala, Raheel.

Publisher: New York Cambridge University Press 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 303.6095475 DHA-K] (1).

37. Mobilization and conflict in multiethnic states

by Vogt, Manuel.

Publisher: New York Oxford University Press 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 305.8 VOG-M] (1).

38. असम का नृजातीय संघर्ष और भारतीय सुरक्षा : एक विश्लेषणात्मक अध्ययन / सुमन

by सुमन Suman.

Publisher: नई दिल्ली : भारतीय सामाजिक विज्ञान अनुसंधान परिषद, Other title: Ethnic Conflict of Assam and Indian Security: An Analytical Study.Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: RS.0790] (1).

39. Ethnic conflict of Nagaland and its impact on Indian security : an analytical study / Manu Rathi

by Rathi, Manu.

Publisher: New Delhi : ICSSR, 2008Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: RR.0339] (1).

40. Cultural wounding, healing, and emerging ethnicities / Amanda Kearney.

by Kearney, Amanda [author.].

Publisher: New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 305.8 KEA-C] (1).

41. Conflict and Reconcilication: The Politics of Ethnicity in Assam/ Uddipana Goswami

by Goswami, Uddipana [Author.].

Publisher: Newyork: Routledge, 2022Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 305.800954162 GOS-C] (1).

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